
It’s a new year and now that my birthday has passed, I’m full swing into my new habits and routines. Most years I try to come up with quantifiable goals to keep me motivated, but time and time again, I’ve proven that doesn’t work. So no resolutions this year. Just a refocus on my core values so I have a more joy-filled life. For my own commitments and for any new readers, I thought I would remind us all of my five main values that make up my life and organize my blog. 

Love God

This is the greatest commandment and what should be at the center of all of our lives. To refocus on this value this year, I am going to get back into my daily quiet times, with a specific focus on prayer. I’m pretty good about reading my Bible, but I need to get more intentional about talking with God. Not only talking at Him, making requests when things are bad, but listening to what He wants to say to me. And knowing His word at the very core of my soul. I’m also hoping we can become regulars at a new church home.

Love Others

Which brings me to my next point, I want to make friends. We have some friends in our hometown and some at the town we just moved from, but absolutely 0 in our new city, other than my parents. I’m hoping that in finding a church, we can find a small group of people close to our age, and actually hang out with them outside of church events. Even though we do have friends, our daily lives are just the two of us, even more so with the pandemic of the past two years. And it can get lonely. We miss being able to call friends up and see them within 30 minutes. 


Yea yea, once again recommitting to my health goals, I know I sound like a broken record. But what I’ve said before and I’ll say again is that it’s a journey, not a destination. And as long as I keep committing to taking one step forward, I’ll be okay. I’m currently sitting at the heaviest weight I’ve ever been, but Colton and I have an eating and a workout plan to change that. We are both serious about it this time and are going to keep each other accountable. And I promise this is my last subject on the matter until we see some real change. I’m tired of writing blogs saying, “I’m going to do ____.” I want to write blogs that say, “I did ____ and here is how it went.”


As mentioned last week and in my January newsletter (subscribe now if you haven’t yet!), I’m only focusing on the life-giving parts of my writing journey this year. Last year I got burnt out, trying to read over 100 books and also write a book and also build my social media platform and also query to literary agents. It was exhausting and I started to hate reading and writing. So now I’m giving myself space to truly enjoy my passion of subcreation, which, at its core, is a form of worship. I read and write to express myself, to keep my mind sharp, to be entertained, to get clarity on my own feelings, and to serve God and love others. So that’s my plan. I’m not going to worry about followers or publishers or anything like that. I’m just going to write my blogs and record my podcasts and interact with my like-hearted community and read my books pressure-free until God instructs me to do otherwise.


Remember climbing is a metaphor for always moving forward and upward, to be a better me. I want to try new things and travel new places and take on new challenges so I don’t stay stagnant. And all of the things I’ve mentioned so far are a part of that. Of me trying to do better and be better for myself, my family, my God. But it also means literal climbing, so I am hoping to find a rock climbing gym I can get back to. I’m hoping to travel new places and see new mountains this year (I may or may not have a cruise already booked!). Whether or not I made solid resolutions, 2022 is bringing a lot of newness with it, with our new home and new city and new dog and Colton’s new job. So I just want to settle into this new life, plant some roots, and grow tall.

I’ve seen some people online criticizing the “new year, new me” concept, and I kind of get it. I mean nothing magical happens at the stroke of midnight on December 31. However, the change of date does give us an opportunity to re-evaluate and re-examine our life and choices and goals. So take 2022 as a fresh start and give God permission to make all things new in your life. I pray whatever your plans are for this year, that you keep Him at the center of them. That you aim high and work hard, but give yourself grace where you falter. And with that mindset, it is sure to be an amazing year, no matter what happens.

If you like what you read, share it with your friends. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @kdsubcreations. Subscribe to my email list to receive monthly emails including blog highlights, book recommendations, updates on my writing projects, and the occasional free perk. Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me.


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