His Kingdom Come

Once again, there have been a lot of political controversies taking over my social media and my mental headspace. In our hometown, they just voted on whether or not it should become a sanctuary city where abortion is illegal. Here near Austin the issue was outdoor camping and if it should be illegal or not. Plus, there is the ever-present prattle still going on about masks and vaccines that seem to get everyone in a tizzy. 

Even though in my current county, I couldn’t vote on either of these hot-button issues, I spent a lot of time this week worrying about them. How would people vote and what would that mean for those ill-affected by the outcome? No matter how I viewed the situations, I couldn’t make them line up politically perfect. And no matter how these votes turn out, I won’t feel a full victory because of certain downsides that come with them. 

The only solution I gradually accepted is this: nothing will be perfect and whole and victorious until Jesus comes back. Nothing will make sense. Nothing will get wrapped into a pretty bow. The left and the right will never agree, and neither will ever be absolutely correct. We are flawed humans constantly failing and making the wrong choices. The government is also, can you believe it, run by flawed humans who sometimes make the wrong choices. This is a messed up world, but thank God this is just our temporary home.

So does that mean that all is lost and we should just give up fighting for justice, health, and safety? That we should live in a constant bubble of depression until Jesus comes back and fixes all of our problems? Absolutely not. We are called to be stewards of this earth. To take good care of it and its people until the end. To rain down the Lord’s Kingdom right here in our own space and time. So how do we do that?

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. Pray and consult God’s Word when you have questions about certain topics like these. Do your research and listen to people on both sides of the issues before you make up your mind. Vote in such a way that honors what you believe. Speak Truth. And if a conversation comes up where you feel the need to speak out in disagreement, as my boss mentioned about some social media trolls, “stay polite and on topic.” 

Of course, the world is still fallen. There will not be true reconciliation until we are reunited with Jesus in new Heaven and new earth. There will be no rape. No murder. No sickness. No sorrow. But bring that feeling of walking with Jesus here to this earth, now. Speak like you would if you were in His presence. Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. Do your absolute best to seek first the Kingdom of God, and we will be one step closer to living in it, on earth as it is in Heaven.

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