Work Out Challenge

Each month I will be embarking on a new habit-changing challenge. I’m hoping that by being very strict with these challenges for 30 days, once the challenge is over I will be able to incorporate these healthier habits into my life in a more realistic way. They say it takes 21 days to create a habit, so I’m testing that theory with these challenges. At the end of each month, I will write a blog post letting you know how it went! 

Rules: I have to do some sort of work out every single day. If for whatever reason, I can’t go to the gym or do a quick run or a session of yoga, I have to reach my step count goal of 7,000. 

Reason: I’m not super into working out and I allow myself to skip more than I should. Plus, I have an 8-5 desk job where I’m sedentary most of my day. They say sitting is the worst thing for your health, so I’m trying to shake it up. Find some time to work out in my busy schedule and find a workout that works for me. I’m hoping this challenge teaches me to be more active and to incorporate little workouts into my daily routine.


Ok, big shocker, I wasn’t able to complete the goal every single day. But I did incorporate workouts into my schedule much more than usual. I ran to train for our 5k at the end of the month. I did yoga either on my own or following a YouTuber. I reached my step count a few times. And, yesterday, I ran my fastest 5K ever. 

I was amazed at how well I did at the 5K considering my workouts have been sporadic for the past few months. But making a workout I hate so much into an event where I get to dress up and hang out with my sister and run a new trail was so great. The weather was perfect and the terrain was much more exciting than the treadmill I was used to. I kept a slow but steady pace and only stopped to walk twice in the 3.1 mile race! 

What this showed me is that I should treat working out as an event. Not just something I should squeeze into my schedule whenever I get the chance. Because if that’s the case, I’m more likely to not do it. But if I intentionally make time to work out, put on a cute outfit, run at a slow and steady pace, and get out of the box of our apartment gym, I think it could actually be kind of fun. It’s a little unrealistic for me to plan to attend a 5K every month because they’re so dang expensive, but maybe I can plan my own personal feat each month to work towards. A bigger run or a CrossFit workout or something. That way I can keep myself accountable and stay on track, without getting so overwhelmed with the cons of fitness.

So since I’ve completed this challenge, I am hoping to stick to a decent plan of working out throughout the week, and then each month plan a “big event” to work towards to make this whole work out nonsense fun. I don’t think I’ll ever become a fitness nut who absolutely loves running and going to the gym, but if I can change me perspective and make it a little more enjoyable for myself, I think that’s a start!


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