January 2019 – Peace Out, Comfort Zone

It’s now the end of my try-new-things resolution month and it’s also the official halfway point of my year commitment to Keela Dee Subcreations. So I think it’s time for a bit of a checkup! So based on my posts this month, it may seem like I have just been watching a bunch of tv and eating a lot of food. Well, you’re not wrong, haha, but there’s a lot more going on as well. Each new year we get a fresh start to reorganize and tackle our goals. So this January has been a month of testing the waters and figuring out a plan for my next steps. How are my resolutions going?

Well, I’ve been diligently reading the Word every day and Colton and I have even started a new Bible study together, which is awesome. I’ve been writing every day and have taken great leaps on my devotional planner project which I am super stoked about and am hoping to finish THIS YEAR! I’ve read 5 books and counting just this month (audio books count- especially with how much I’m commuting to work!). I’m sticking to my budget and making financial plans for my future. I’m intentional with my friendships and have been spending some awesome quality time with my husband. And I’ve just started a new health plan which is going great so far (even though it’s only day 3 lol)! So not too bad! But it’s only January… Here’s hoping I can continue to do well on my resolutions and that you can, too!

As for this Keela Dee Subcreations thing… If you remember, my life changed big time last summer with a new degree, new husband, new town, and new job. My lifelong goal of being married finally happened and I started asking myself what’s next for my life and my career. So I spent some money to own kdsubcreations.com and committed to a post a day diving into my various passions so my viewers could learn more about my brand and I could learn a bit about myself, hopefully figuring out God’s plans for my next steps along the way. Now we’re at the halfway point of my year-long commitment to this brand and to my self-discovery journey. I’ve debated deleting all social media but Keela Dee Subcreations, I’ve debated deleting all of Keela Dee Subcreations, I’ve debated quitting my writing dream altogether, I’ve thought of at least 10 other ideas for books, podcasts, and projects, I’ve thought about just screwing all my responsibilities and traveling the world in a van… Truth is, I’m six months in and still have no idea what I’m doing. I’m not expecting God to open up the heavens and hand me a scroll of truth with my destiny written on it, but I do expect to grow closer to Him and learn more about His plan for my next steps. So I’m going to continue this year-long commitment and pray God continues to reveal Himself along the way. I know it’s not much of an epiphany for the halfway point, but I’m having a good time and I have faith that God’s working on me. Stay tuned to see what happens next!


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